Sarah Lovett

For me, writing novels fulfills two essential needs—my hunger to absorb and process new information about the world, and my curiosity with regard to human nature, especially the volatile interaction of desire and choices made in pursuit of said desire, and the resulting (often astounding) actions and outcomes.

Inspired by my experience working as a legal researcher for the New Mexico Attorney General’s Office, work that often took me inside the Penitentiary of New Mexico, I began writing a novel that I hoped would have series potential: Dangerous Attachments. My criminal justice degree and years of study and research in psychology influenced a decision to create a protagonist who is a forensic psychologist, and Dr. Sylvia Strange was born. I ended up gaining major book deals with Random House and Simon and Schuster, and I am currently finishing a sixth Dr. Strange thriller.

I took a hiatus for several years from the darkest of subjects when I became a mother, to focus on family, the challenges of parenting, and the joys of raising my daughter. She is now at college, but she was just shy of her 6th birthday when I got the call from my agent asking if I would be interested in meeting with Valerie Plame Wilson. The resulting collaboration with Valerie yielded two espionage thrillers published by Penguin and optioned for film, Blowback and Burned, featuring Vanessa Pierson, a CIA covert operative, inspired by Valerie and her career as a NOC. In recent years my stories focus on the complexities of human nature and on ordinary people who rise to the extraordinary in order to cope with crises and learn what it means to accept human faults and learn compassion, not only for others but also for themselves.

Currently, I am co-author of Metal Viper, #1, in the Dangerous Places Series with Ron Schultz. We are at work on Water Jaguar, #2, in the series.

I am also finishing a sixth thriller in the Dr. Sylvia Strange series, Malicious Influence, #6.


Sarah Lovett is represented by Paula Munier, Talcott Notch Literary, and by Theresa Park, Park & Fine Literary & Media.

Books By Sarah Lovett

The Book of Riddles

Kady Ryder turns 16 in nine days and all she wants is to grow up, leave behind heartbreak, and feel normal. But this scorching hot morning in the Northern California Delta she reads the front-page story “Death Row Killer Claims Knowledge of Missing Girl,” and all hope of normal vanishes.  read more>>

Dangerous Attachments

Forensic psychologist Sylvia Strange deals with very dangerous felons—it’s part of her job in the Santa Fe justice system. But when she evaluates inmate Lucas Watson and recommends against his parole, she steps into a terrifying world, apparently of his making. read more>>

Acquired Motives

Anthony Randall didn’t look like a self-confessed sadistic rapist. His large blue eyes were free of guile, his cheeks were tinged pink, his lips habitually worked themselves into a soft frown. He looked younger than his twenty-two years. read more>>